Dica em Londres
Para quem vai à Londres, fica a dica de se programar para ir ao Freud Museum London, conhecer o museu e aproveitar para ver a exposição “Saying It”.
Saying It
Data: de 21 de Setembro à 18 de Novembro de 2012
Artistas: Mieke Bal & Michelle Williams Gamaker and Renate Ferro
20 Maresfield Gardens
London NW3 5SX
Tel: +44 (0)20 7435 2002
Fax: +44 (0)20 7431 5452
Email: info@freud.org.uk
Horário de aberura
Quarta a Domingo 12.00 – 17.00 h
Using a combination of videos and installations dispersed throughout the Museum, Saying It attempts to alter predominant categories of presentation, spatialising the temporal process of both video and psychoanalysis. The exhibition, curated by Joanne Morra, is an experiment in audio-visual storytelling where each visitor is immersed in a psychoanalytic process and can infer his or her own meaning. The exhibition thus offers experiences both familiar and unfamiliar to the viewer: a psychoanalytic experience led by works of art, their narratives, revelations, repetitions, and short-circuiting.
Leia mais no site: http://www.freud.org.uk/exhibitions/74794/saying-it/